Wednesday, 30 December 2015

End Of Year Update!

As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting for quite some time.

Let me rephrase that.

Remember when you read a few pages of that blog once, and it tickled you awfully with its colourful [No auto-correct I don't want to brutally tear out the U from colourful... just learn what I want from you based on the last hundred times I have spelled it that way! I know you only have one job in this world and that you take this position very seriously, following procedure to the letter with your coloUr coded squiggly lines, and usually I am very appreciative of being reminded how absolutely crap at spelling I am. All I am asking for is a teeny tiny bit of leeway from you to just think for yourself. You have data-banks of both American and British words. If I want to hybridize languages occasionally I understand that may upset your fragile sensibilities but just man up for once and stop throwing your shit at the wall every time I break your rules.] pictures and extensive tedious vocabulary. Then there was that period of time when you were reading this... now... this period of time reading these words here.
     Well the time in between those two points was when I had stopped posting.

I am currently doing teacher training because fuck it I'm clearly a role model. Which surprisingly involves a lot of glaring menacingly, learning to hate teenagers and stealing as many lesson plans and worksheets as possible because after one week you realize you cant be arsed teaching anything original, as apposed to the babysitting-meets-fun-science-story-time I somewhat naively expected.

Luckily it does involve a staff room with a near limitless supply of coffee. There is even a built in warning system for if I have had too much. As students will ask if I am okay with what appears to be genuine concern for my mortal well being... or simply mock me by shaking violently.

So with that in mind don't expect 2016 to be the busiest year for this blog, but I have backed up about a dozen unfinished drafts that I can complete at a much lazier pace.

Finally a huge thank you to everyone who reads this, despite my Craig Charles references and my general abuse of you all. I've said before I don't care how popular this gets but it makes me feel warm, fuzzy and bizarrely aroused to know that there are people out there who read what I write. A feeling that takes at least 3 cups of coffee to achieve otherwise.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

For the winter season, here is a picture of a Robin I took with my fancy new camera. LOOK HOW GOOD I'M GETTING!

Note: British robins are naturally blurry. It's to confuse cats