Friday, 15 August 2014

Nerd Fact Of The Time Period! : Lizards

Welcome back useless information sponges for another exciting edition of Nerd Fact Of The Period!


(I am aware this jingle doesn't translate through text so to help you the tune is DOO-BE-DOO-DOO-DOO-DOOOOBEDOO. Pretty sure that explains it accurately)

How many eyes do lizards have?

Two I hear you say...

Then I laugh in your face whilst wearing my giant novelty nerd glasses!

Lizards actually have three eyes. The Parietal eye is located on top of the head between the eyes. Whilst not as developed as the main eyes it is capable of detecting changes in light (useful when your main predators are birds). Although in some reptiles such as the Tuatara it is more developed with a retina and lens.

Okay so its small enough that people generally wouldn't know this but still. Why don't people know this!?

If this was taught to me as a child then it would make animals that extra bit awesome. These are the types of facts kids need to get enthused!

But anyways, on a scale of one to awesome, lizards are at least a 16.

All hail the mighty triclops!!


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